Investigations & quests


Open Quests / Investigations

Hellrider Betrayers

  • A group of Hellrider betrayers massacred the garrison at Fort Morninglord.
  • The group was led by none other than the High Rider of the Hellriders, Gideon Lightward.
  • Lightward was held hostage in the dungeon below the Frolicking Nymph bath house in Baldur's Gate, from where the party helped him escape, not knowing he was in fact responsible for the massacre.
  • Earning their trust, Tarhun gave money to Lightward to help him buy new equipment, which he then used to escape.

The Puzzlebox & The Shield

  • According to Thavius Kreeg "the key to saving Elturel is inside the puzzlebox". Furthermore, there's an angel trapped inside his shield, who will provide help in this quest.
  • There's a mage in Candlekeep called Sylvana Savikas, who specializes in topics related to Avernus, and can help with opening the puzzlebox.

Closed Quests / Investigations

The mysterious traveler

  • Some important person was traveling from Elturel toward Baldur's Gate the night before Elturel got destroyed.
  • Calderis and her gang were hired to waylay the traveller, take their Shield. Their attack failed, and upon retreating to their camp, the bandits were massacred by cultists. The half-elf gang leader was the only one to survive.
  • Calderis overheard the cultists say something about "once the refugees arrive from Elturel, [the cult] will start canvassing them for targets".
  • The job was given to Calderis by a tiefling Nephyl, who in turn got the assignment from a man named Coles. Coles can be found at the Low Lantern in Baldur's Gate.
  • Solved: The traveler turned out to be Thavius Kreeg. His destination was apparently Vanthampur Manor.
The Cult of the Dead Three
  • There is a cult operating in Baldur's Gate, who killed three people in recent days. The players were commissioned to investigate the cult by a Flaming Fist officer called Zodge.
  • This cult is in all likelihood the same as the ones who killed the gang of Calderis (see above).
  • The cult was carrying out the killings at a tannery called the Poisoned Poseidon. Their targets were seemingly commoners, but one of them had a Hellrider descendant, which seems to be important somehow.
  • The cult might have ties to a powerful family in Baldur's Gate called the Vanthampurs. The suspicion arose, because the cults headquarters is located in the sewers below a bath-house named the Frolicking Nymph, owned by the Vanthampur family.
  • A rival of the Vanthampurs called Liara Portyr (also a high-ranking officer in the Flaming Fist) asked the party to investigate the cult undercover, as an official investigation into them might be stalled if they are indeed connected to the Vanthampurs.
  • Solved: It turned out that the Vanthampurs were indeed in league with the Cult of the Dead Three, employing the cult to do their dirty work throughout the city. The plan of the Vanthampurs was to have Baldur's Gate reach the same fate as Elturel.


  1. Nem biztos, hogy lényeges, de újra átolvasva az összefoglalókat találtam még nyitott kérdéseket:
    - Ki/mi hozta létre a Companiont?
    - Ki/mi/hogyan pusztította el a Companiont és Elturelt? (Gideon Lightward szerint a szektához vezetett a nyomozása, de neki nem hiszünk, mert áruló)
    - Mi lett Elturel vámpír lordjaival?
    - Coles-nak van kapcsolata a Dead Three szektával? Nephyl szerint lehetséges.
    - A Flaming Fists a Dead Three-hez tartozik? (A Poisoned Poseidonban talált levelek alapján) Vagy csak árulók vannak köztük?
    - Kik a Night Blades?
    - Ki az Emissary? Ő áll a Dead Three felett?
    - Ki Mortlock és ki az ő anyja? (levél a fürdőben)
    - Nephyl melyik nemesi házba látta bemenni Coles-t?

    1. - Mortlock és az anyja a Vanthemphur család tagjai.
      - A Night Blades a Baal egyház egy rangja
      - Emissary is egy egyházi rang, a Fist of Baen is egy rang

  2. - Ki írta a leveleket Sylvana Saviaksnak? A nyomok a Vanthampur villába vezettek...
    - T.V. az Thalamra (az anya) vagy Thirstwell (a girnyó fiú)?


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4 - Hellturel

The First Charge of the Hellriders