Available equipment

Baldur's Gate

Any normal equipment (PHB 143, Chapter 5) is available in unlimited supply at the price given in the book.

Special (i.e. magic) items available in town are listed below.

Items that cost at most 100 gp and potions that cost at most 300 gp: unlimited in supply.
Items that cost at most 300 gp and potions that cost at most 500 gp: at most 2 available in town.
All other things on the list: 1 available in town.

If you decide to buy something, you can try to haggle: receive a 10% discount on a successful Persuasion check. However, if you fail the check you buy the item at a 10% markup. Succeed or fail, you MUST buy the item.
  • Macial ammunition (+1) [20 gp per piece of ammo]:
    Arrows, bolts & bullets that give a +1 bonus to attack and damage rolls. Once shot the ammunition is no longer magical.
  • Potion of animal friendship [100 gp]:
    Use “Animal friendship” spell (DC 13 save) for 1 hour.
  • Potion of greater healing [100 gp]:
    Heal 4d4+4 HP.
  • Potion of fire breath [100 gp]:
    3x 4d6 damage to target wutgub 30 ft (DC 13 Dex save halves).
  • Spell scroll: Invisibility [150 gp]:
    A creature you touch becomes invisible for 1 hour. The spell ends if the invisible creature attacks or casts a spell.
  • Dust of sneezing and choking [150 gp]:
    Basically tear gas, that acts in a 30 ft radius. Effect lasts until first success on a DC 15 Con save).
  • Potion of greater healing [300 gp]:
    Heal 8d4+8 HP.
  • Potion of fire giant strength [300 gp]:
    Your strength becomes 23 for 1 hour.
  • Goggles of night [300 gp]:
    Grants night vision up to 60 ft.
  • Saddle of the cavalier [350 gp]:
    You can't be dismounted against your will, and attack rolls against your mount have disadvantage.
  • Decanter of endless water [450 gp]:
    Can produce fresh or salt water on demand. Weighs 2 pounds.
  • Bag of holding [500 gp]:
    This small bad has an interior space of roughly 2 ft in diameter and 4ft deep. It weighs at most 15 pounds, regardless of its contents.
  • Potion of diminution [750 gp]:
    Shrinks you in size (same as the "reduce" effect of the spell "enlarge/reduce").
  • Spell scroll: Reincarnate [750 gp]:
    Raises a dead person, but potentially in a different body (the race changes).
  • Potion of mind reading [2500 gp]:
    Use the "detect thoughts" spell (DC 13).
  • Scimitar of speed [7500 gp]:
    You have a +2 bonus to attack and damage rolls. Additionally, you can make 1 attack with it as a bonus action.
  • Manual of gainful exercise [15000 gp]:
    Studying the book for roughly a week grants +2 strength permanently (also applies to your max).

Fort Knucklebone
  • Macial ammunition (+3) [50 gp per piece of ammo]:
    Arrows, bolts & bullets that give a +2 bonus to attack and damage rolls. Once shot the ammunition is no longer magical.
  • Necklace of Fireballs [2000 gp]:
    7 beads, throwing a bead (1 action) is equivalent to a level 3 Fireball spell (20 ft radius, 8d6 fire damage, DC 15, Dex halves). Throwing multiple beads increases the spells level by 1 (extra 1d6 damage).
  • Oil of Etherealness [2000 gp]:
    Enough to cover 1 creature and its equipment (takes 10 mins). The covered creature gains the effect of the Etherealness spell for 1 hour (basically invisible and can move through anything in any direction, but can't interact with any objects).
  • Potion of Fire Breath [250 gp] (2 available):
    1 action to use, 30 ft range, 4d6 damage, DC13 Dex halves. 3 charges per potion (up to 1 hour).
  • Potion of Stone Giant Strength [500 gp]:
    Your Strength becomes 23 for 1 hour (this increases your combat abilities!).
  • Potion of Fire Resistance [250 gp]:
    Halves damage of this type for 1 hour.
  • Remove Curse Spell Scroll [500 gp]:
    All curses effecting one creature or one object end. If it's a cursed magic item, the curse on the item remains, but the item can be discarded by the person it's attuned to.
Infernal War Machines

Devil’s Ride [7500 gp / 15 soul coins]:
- Creature capacity: 1; Cargo capacity: 50 kg
- AC: 23
- HP: 6; Damage threshold: 5; Mishap Threshold: 2
- Handling: +4
- Fuel efficiency: 15
- Jump: If it moves at least 30 ft in a straight line, it can jump a distance of 60 ft.
- Juke: If on the move, the driver can use its reaction to gain advantage on Dex saves.

Tormentor [15000 gp / 30 soul coins]:
- Creature capacity: 4; Cargo capacity: 250 kg
- AC: 21
- HP: 6; Damage threshold: 10; Mishap Threshold: 2
- Handling: +2
- Fuel efficiency: 5
- Crushing Wheels: roll over victims (2d10 damage, DC 13 Dex negates). Double damage if creature was prone.
- Magic weapons: the vehicle’s weapon attacks are magical.
- Raking Scythes: protruding blades (2d10+2, DC13 Dex negates)
- Harpoon Slinger: +7, 2d8+2, 10 harpoons
- Juke: If on the move, the driver can use its reaction to gain advantage on Dex saves.

Repairs & Upgrades:
- Harpoons: 50 gold / harpoon
- Repair 1 HP of damage: 1000 gp (or 2 soul coins) / 5 damage threshold
- Flamethrower: 30 ft cone, 4d8, DC 15 Dex halves. (2500 gp / 5 soul coins)
- Canian Armor: AC becomes 22 + Dex modifier. (500 gp (or 1 soul coin) / 5 Damage threshold)


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